How to add keywords to your products
Merchants who advertise on Agora are eligible to select keywords to associate with their sponsored products. This applies to both merchants on a monthly subscription package, as well as those who choose a one-time Boost advertisement for a product. Here's how to add keywords to sponsored products:
Sign in to the Merchant Dashboard.
Click on the Products page.
Click on the product you want to add keywords.
Scroll down the product page to the "Keywords" section and click on the edit button on the top right of the box.
Write a keyword and click "submit." Write a new keyword and repeat this process until you've written your three keywords. Keywords are meant to be in addition to your product's name in order to boost visibility. For example, if your product name includes the word "bag", then adding "bag" as a keyword would not be a good choice since the product would have already appeared for searches with the word "bag" in them. To take full advantage of keywords, consider adding synonyms or complimentary words that refer to your product.
If you have any questions, contact support.
Last updated
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